WiFi Solutions

Whether it is a single access point to a 500 access point mesh network we can develop a solution to save you money and make you stand out from the rest. Here are some example scenarios we can provide solutions for:

Residential Development (Apartments, MDUs & MTUs):

Residential Development WiFiWireless Internet access differentiates your property and delights your residents. We will delight you too, with simplicity, reliability, and ease of management, all at a disruptively low cost.. According to J Turner Research, residents rate high-quality WiFi service as one of the top amenities they look for in an apartment or property. However, many solutions frustrate residents with poor reliability and coverage, and plague managers with maintenance headaches and high costs. Our solutions just simply work, and we are there to take care of your residents, keeping you focused on more important things.

Events and Venues

Event WiFiDeliver Instant WiFi to Events and Venues
We can assemble scalable, temporary or permanent WiFi networks for events and venues; deploying a reliable WiFi network quickly even with very limited backhaul access to the Internet. Some examples of projects we have worked on include: Southern Wiscoinsin AirFEST, Rockford Riverhawks Stadium, Janesville Ice Arena, and the Rock Regional Business Expo.

Business Offices

Office WiFiAll businesses need the same results from their wireless as the largest enterprises. With our solutions you can provide secure WiFi thought all of your facilities all easily managed. We can also provide branded guest access, isolated from your secure employee network to make your visitors feel right at home.


RV Campground WiFi, RV Park WiFiDelight guests and enable staff with scalable, easy-to-use wireless.
Our solutions provide a host of features to connect your guests and your staff with the same infrastructure – simply, and securely. Spash pages, bandwidth limits, and content filtering for your guests, but secure reliable access for you staff running in tandem, saving you money. Great for hotels, campgrounds, RV parks; all for a lower cost!


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